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Improve your sex life with these 5 exercises | Tips & Explanation


Verbeter je seksleven me deze 5 oefeningen | Tips & Uitleg - Yonifyer

Sex is sometimes a whole workout in itself. But did you know that there are physical exercises that can revitalize your senses and your sexual energy? Yes, there are exercises that can make your sex life even better! They ensure that you last longer and that you can enjoy sex even more.

You can actually see sex as a top sport. If you want to perform better and have more intense orgasms, you have to train for it! 

The exercises that we will discuss later activate the muscles that are active during sex, which can significantly improve your performance in bed. In addition to this, exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins that also help to increase your libido, making you more interested in sex.

Read on and discover with us the 5 exercises that will boost your and your partner's sex life.

cardio - exercise endurance
1. Cardio

It's no lie that sex takes some stamina . When you have good stamina, sex just comes easier to you and you can last even longer. To feel fit between the sheets, it is therefore important that you are in good shape. You build up your condition with cardio. In addition to the fact that this type of training is good for your endurance, it also promotes blood circulation to the genitals. And finally, it has a bonus of course, because you burn calories with it.

Some good cardio workouts:

  • To walk
  • To run 
  • Misuse
  • Swimming
  • Jumping rope 
  • Boxing 

So enough choices. Find something you like and what suits you!

yoga - flexibility + relaxation exercise
2. Yoga / stretching exercises 

Let's face it, some extra flexibility always comes in handy between the sheets, but did you know that yoga also ensures (even) more intense orgasms? Yep, you read that right. 

First, being flexible can make sex more exciting because you can try out more positions. Especially when you become more and more experienced, the possibilities in the bedroom become endless... But besides the fact that yoga makes your body more flexible, it also ensures relaxation and gives you a confidence boost. This will help you get in the mood for sex even better. An extra plus!

It has even been scientifically proven that yoga improves mood.
Research shows that women who have followed yoga for 12 weeks notice a difference in:

  • Feel more like sex
  • Being more excited
  • Being moister
  • Get a better orgasm
  • Have less pain during sex 

But then we're not there yet. Yoga also provides more intense sensations down there . By training your pelvic floor muscles during certain yoga exercises, your orgasms become even more intense.

To become and remain flexible, it is important that you stretch your muscles regularly. If yoga is really not for you, you can always do stretching exercises.

Here 4 Yoga poses that will give some extra fireworks between the sheets:

yoga - downward facing dog pose

Downward facing dog

That's how you do it
Get on your hands and knees and breathe slowly. Make sure your wrists are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Place your hands with fingers spread flat on the floor or on your yoga mat. Push your hips up and back a little. You now form a triangle with your body, as it were. Meanwhile, turn your elbows in slightly and push your heels toward the mat. Always keep your back and neck straight and your head relaxed. Always keep breathing in and out in between.

Why does it work?
You stretch your entire body in this exercise, allowing you to move a lot more smoothly and try out different positions.

Yoga - cat cow pose
Cat cow pose 

That's how you do it
Get on your hands and knees (as in doggy). Make sure your hands are under your shoulders and your knees are hip-width apart. Arch your back and inhale as you try to look upwards. When you exhale, arch your back and bring your chin to your chest. Alternate this several times to the rhythm of your breathing.

Why does it work?
By regularly practicing this posture, you widen your pelvic floor muscles and lengthen your back muscle. This together can provide even nicer orgasms. So worth a try.

Yoga - One legged Pigeon Pose
One Legged Pigeon Pose

Zoe you do it
Get back on your hands and knees, and place one leg back as you slowly lower down onto your other leg, which is on the outside of the mat. Make sure that the heel of the leg that is not stretched back is on your groin.

Why does it work?
This 'pigeon' position relieves tension in the hip area and restores its flexibility.

Yoga - splits / wide angled seated bend pose
Splits / Wide angled seated forward bend 

Zoe you do it
Sit on the floor or on your yoga mat with your legs stretched out in front of you, then spread them apart as far as you can. Keep them straight. Extend your arms above your head and, with your back straight, bend forward as far as you can. You can also choose to try to grab your big toes with your fingers. In the meantime, take a deep breath in and out, trying to get a little further on each exhale. It is important to keep your back straight and not to sit with a convex back. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then slowly come back up.

Why does it work?
In addition to making you super flexible, this posture ensures good blood flow. This not only provides energy but also increases your libido. Good blood circulation around your va-ya-yay ensures sexual arousal. What yoga can bring about, dude!

squats - buttock + legs exercises
3. Glute/leg exercises

Yup, how about leg/buttock exercises. Especially useful if you're on top and have to work hard. Especially if you want to do squats on top of him, it is useful to train these muscles. Otherwise, you will notice quite quickly that it cannot be sustained for long. This position requires a lot of strength from the woman to be able to keep it up for a while. 

Squats are therefore the best exercises you can do to strengthen your thigh muscles and buttocks. They not only strengthen your muscles but also provide a delicious round bum ! Nevertheless, the blood circulation is also stimulated during this workout, which will increase your libido and give your sexual energy a solid boost.

How do you do a good squat?

  • Place feet firmly on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Keep your heels on the floor and then bend your knees. 
  • Move up and down in this manner. It helps to imagine that you are sitting on a chair. 
  • Ensures that the knees do not sink in when bending, but that they point in the direction of your toes. 
  • Always keep your back straight and push your buttocks back. Go as deep as possible. 
  • You can make the exercise even more intense by using weights. 
  • There are countless variations on the "normal" squat. Vary positions to target different glutes. Think of the sumo squat, where your feet are further apart. 
  • Do at least three sets of 15 squats

    See video: how do you do the perfect squat?

In addition, the bridge is a good exercise for strengthening the glutes and inner thighs and hamstring. You also train your pelvic floor muscles in this exercise. This in turn ensures that the female organ is strengthened, allowing you to have more intense and more controlled orgasms. The more you do this exercise, the better you can dominate in the positions in which you are in control.

How do you make a good bridge?

  • Lie on the floor or on a yoga mat. Place your feet flat on the floor (or mat) with your knees bent and place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible. Keep the arms straight next to the body.
  • Then lift your hips up towards the ceiling by tightening the glutes.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds before lowering your pelvis back down. 
  • Keep tension on your buttocks for the best result and do not try to bring your buttocks back to the floor, but try to perform the exercise again and again in one smooth movement.
  • Do three sets of 12 times
  • Make it even harder by using a resistance band or placing a weight on your pelvis. You can also keep one leg straight in the air to make it even harder .

See video: how do you do the perfect but bridge?

abdominal exercise - better sex life
4. Abdominal and back exercises

Strong abdominal muscles and a firm lower back provide stability for your core and therefore ensure that you can hold some positions more easily. Because your abdominal and back muscles work together, it is important to train both

An exercise that you can use is, for example, the plank. This is a top exercise, because almost all muscle groups in the body are used, but your endurance is also put to the test! You are not only challenged to use your upper body, but also the back muscles at the same time. Take a look at which positions you all use your abs. That's a lot!

Planking position
How do you perform a plank?

  • Place the knees and hands flat on the floor. With your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Then extend your legs while keeping your back straight and not slouching.
  • Pull in your navel and buttocks and put tension on your abs to maintain good posture. Avoid tensing your buttocks too hard and really try to focus on your stomach.
  • Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds. 
  • Repeat this at least 2 to 5 times

    Watch planking video on youtube

Pelvic floor muscle - kegel exercises
5. Pelvic floor muscle exercises 

The best for last and the most important muscle group during sex! Namely the pelvic floor muscles or also called the "sex muscles"! You can train these muscles with Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises aim to stimulate sexual pleasure for both parties! The woman can massage the penis by tightening her sex muscles, which feels very nice for the man. But these muscles are also important for herself because by training these muscles, she can get more intense and controlled orgasms! 

The more you are aware of the contraction and relaxation of those muscles, the better you can control that during sex. These sex muscles are the PC muscles. This muscle runs from your pubic bone to your tailbone, in both men and women. The muscle that can bring your orgasms and sex life to a new high. So let's take a quick look at how to find this muscle and how to train it!

First of all, it's good to know that it's not crazy if you don't think he's right or knew he existed at all. Exercising and using the PC muscle is a matter of habituation. Once you've learned how to do it, it won't cost you any more effort. A big advantage is that you can train this muscle without anyone noticing! It can even be done at the kitchen table on your chair while eating and no one will notice.

How do you know when you are contracting the pelvic floor muscle?

You can experience it by gently inserting a finger into the vagina once. Then try to squeeze your vagina with your vagina and then relax again. If you can do this without tensing your buttocks or pulling in your stomach, then you are training the right muscle. You should feel the muscle tighten around your finger.

You can also examine it in the toilet when you need to urinate. While urinating, try to squeeze your pee a few times. You also do this with the pelvic floor muscle.

Now that you know which muscle it is, you can really start exercising it. You actually do this by simply tensing the muscle for three seconds and then releasing it. Then repeat this about ten to fifteen times per session. As I said, you can actually do this anywhere, anytime without anyone noticing. Only you will feel that you are doing it.

Watch video: where is the PC muscle

Why should you train the PC muscle?

  • It prevents urine leakage problems 
  • Gives more pleasure during sex and ensures easier, more intense and controlled orgasms. 
  • Prevents a prolapse (afterbirth)
  • You can use this muscle to massage the penis extra during sex

The exercises to train your 'sex muscles':

The 5 kegel exercises for women below are different ways to train the pelvic floor muscles. They progress from easy to more difficult.

Exercise #1: Classic Kegel

  • Lie on the floor with your legs about shoulder width apart. 
  • Make sure your abs, glutes and thighs are relaxed.
  • If necessary, place your hands on your stomach to relax your muscles. 
  • Tighten your PC muscle for 5 seconds. And Relax again for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat this a few times and build it up each time. 
  • You can do this exercise standing, sitting or lying down. 

Exercise #2: The bridge 

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. 
  • Have your arms stretched out next to your body.
  • Lift your pelvis off the floor and contract your pelvic floor muscles. Hold this for 10 seconds. And relax again when your back touches the floor. 
  • Don't try to relax again, but really release your muscles little by little the more you come back to the ground. 
  • Repeat this a few times and build it up. 

Exercise #3

  • Get on your hands and knees.
  • As you inhale slowly, arch your back and pull in your abs.
  • At the same time, tighten your pelvic floor muscles
  • Hold for a moment and then exhale slowly and release your muscles.
  • Repeat that a few times and build up.

Exercise #4: 

  • Sit on the floor and rest your feet on the floor in front of you.
  • Make sure your feet are slightly out. 
  • Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and turn your feet inwards at the same time.
  • Relax your muscles as you return your feet to the starting position.
  • Repeat that a few times and build up.

Exercise #5: Standing

  • Hold on to a table or chair so you don't fall over. 
  • Your feet are flat on the floor at first. Then you lift your heels up and stand on your toes and tighten your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Hold for a few seconds and slowly release as you return your heels to the floor. 
  • Repeat that a few times and build up.
kegel balls set - pelvic floor exercises

Train your pelvic floor muscles with special vagina balls! View our collection.

A workout therefore ensures better condition, flexibility and finer orgasms. But did you know that exercising just before sex also has a positive effect?

Sports before sex

As mentioned earlier, the hormone enorphine is released during exercise, which ensures that we feel good and our libido goes up. So if you have just worked out as a woman, not only will the blood circulation to the vagina increase, but it will also ensure that she becomes aroused faster when she receives a sexual stimulus. 

Her body will therefore become aroused faster, get wet and reach an orgasm faster. Enough reasons to get started!


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